Low-temperature pyrolysis unit (LTPU)
This is a unique waste processing technology. The production technology is based on the pyrolysis process - controlled thermal decomposition of the raw material without oxygen access into hydrocarbon components. With the help of which, when processing raw materials, the following products are obtained:
dry residue of hazard class 4 is used for local, construction and reclamation needs;
the heat generated during the processing is used to heat the premises;
boiler (furnace) fuel, which is used for its intended purpose; and can also be used to obtain a component of gasoline and diesel fuel;
Pyrolysis gas is used to operate the plant itself.
Types of waste:
-Oil sludge
- Oil-contaminated soils
-Drilling waste
-Acid tars
-Silt deposits
-Rubber waste
-Plastic with chlorine content up to 5%
-Obtaining a useful product to power the installation
-Continuous operation mode
- No emissions of toxic gases into the atmosphere
Technological scheme of the UNP
1. Waste is loaded into the loading unit. If necessary, waste is first fed to the dewatering unit.
3. After the process has stabilized, the pyrolysis gas obtained during the processing of raw materials is fed to the burner, reducing the consumption of the main fuel.
2. During the initial heating of the pyrolysis unit chamber, furnace (boiler) fuel is used.
4. At the end of the pyrolysis process, coke/semi-coke is formed for use in asphalt plants and metallurgy.
Processed products
IV hazard class (according to TU 5712-001-17603576-2014)
Application area:
-reclamation of sludge pits
-reclamation of industrial zones, quarries, landfills
- construction of roads and road slopes
2. Furnace (Boiler) fuel
Application area:
-for the operation of the UNP
-for boiler houses
- to obtain a component of gasoline, diesel fuel
Application area:
Enters the burner, reducing the consumption of the main fuel.
With a high content of petroleum products in the feedstock, additional fuel is not required
4. Coke/Semi-coke
Application area:
5. Generation of electrical energy
Application area:
When using an additional gas piston station, the UNP generates
electrical energy for the needs of the enterprise
The main source of emissions is the smokestack.
There are no emissions of toxic gases and they do not depend on the composition of the raw materials – there is no contact between flame and waste.
The equipment complies with environmental standards. The positive conclusion of the State Environmental Expertise was approved by the Order of Rosprirodnadzor No. 576 of September 18, 2014, Moscow. The equipment and technology of the Installations comply with the requirements of environmental legislation.